“Be yourself, be beautiful, be sexy, and be 110% your most authentic self”- Colorado Self Love Photos

Hi! My name is Katy! I’m a hairstylist and self love enthusiast. I love what I do for a living but the part I love the most is sharing my story with my clients and those seeking encouragement In their own self love journey. Now let it be known that I didn’t always have this much love and grace for myself. I am a young woman who has struggled with body image and self confidence for as long as I can remember. Life has thrown me curve ball after curve ball. At times I have let life’s detours throw me off course. With that I have struggled with my relationships; romantic, friendship, family, and even food. I found myself constantly picking out every single flaw I had and couldn’t see past it. When I looked in the mirror and saw rolls, stretching marks, scars, and acne , it was like a spot light was pointing directly at it and that’s all I saw. I am guilty of letting outside opinions dictate the way I viewed myself. I got to the point where I was so exhausted and I could never figure out why until I made a change. I sat and looked in a mirror but this time I removed the spotlight. I took in all of what I was and I owned it. I realized I was exhausted because I kept telling myself that I wasn’t enough. When I really stepped back and took in who I was I realized it didn’t matter what anyone had to say about me or how they viewed me, what mattered the most was how I viewed myself and how I talked about myself. I started to compliment myself on the good days and give myself positive words of affirmation on the bad days. The truth is we get 1 life and 1 body, why waste our days focusing on the false things people say or do to us. We all should be looking at our person and admire what we have been given. One of the personal goals I have set for myself is to start incorporating healthier habits into my daily life and to lose weight not for a certain image but for my overall health. Before I embarked on my weight loss journey I wanted to have something to remember my body. I’m obsessed with my body and what it looks like now. I did these pictures to admire who I am as a woman and the body that carries me so gracefully through life. It took a lot of letting go of all the fear and anxiety to get these photos done. I encourage each and every single person that sees the photos to be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. I encourage you to let go of your own chains holding you back and be vulnerable. Be yourself, be beautiful, be sexy, and be 110% your most authentic self, have fun and love yourself.

XOXO -Katy

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